All images you create are owned by you, as per our terms and conditions. You are free to do whatever you wish with your creation. We do reserve the right to use images generated by you for marketing and promotional purposes, but your work is yours, simple as. Please be wary of infringing on copyright or trademarks, as we may be forced to remove content that violates either. If you are part of a business grossing over $1 million USD a year, you will need to contact us for licensing options.
Only subscribed members have the option to keep generations private with privacy mode. By default all images generated will be available for our moderators to pick for featuring on the homepage, and will automatically appear on the member gallery for all. Please be aware that private images are still subject to the community content guidelines.
You may at any time cancel your account and request us to delete all your data via the 'DELETE ACCOUNT' option in your profile section of the website. Once we have received this request, we will action the deletion in accordance with our data retention guidelines. You will be unable to use the email address associated with that account in future. If for any reason you'd like to come back, please email support and we will try to help.